.ART Offers Luxury Industry an Online Platform to Create Consumer Experience

Rolls-Royce and Fondation Louis Vuitton joined .ART, the art world’s exclusive web domain, following .ART opening to general public on May 10th.
.ART, being a unique signifier of creativity online, offers the luxury industry an ideal platform to create consumer experience.
The notable companies that have registered their domain names in the first week include Fondation Louis Vuitton, Rolls-Royce and online auction house Auctionata, that specializes in luxury goods, art, antiques and collectibles. These organizations have joined a wider range of earlier .ART registrants such as Chanel, Sotheby’s, Fondation Cartier and top performer Beyoncé.
While many organizations purchased their real names, other examples of registrations include marketable keywords such as bags.art or tops.art, offering a clear and direct name for potential e-commerce websites.
«We think the introduction of .ART will drive a new set of domain name customers into the domain industry as wider range of cultural communities reliant on social media and other sites will find a new way to display their projects and products. They will engage their customers in creating and sharing new experiences to sell their products, and .Art is an ideal platform for these activities”, says .ART founder, venture investor Ulvi Kasimov.