You can often hear, even in the modern world, the proverb that as you call the ship, so it will sail. This scheme often works in practice concerning video blogging. Thus, it is not only the content that you offer to your audience, not only your message and efforts but also the name of your video on YouTube that matters. The name should work like a magnet and, if it falls into the user’s field of vision, attract the maximum number of clicks.
Imagine that your video has collected 30-40 thousand views and hit the YouTube trends in a day. This means that a huge number of users who go to the trends tab will see your video, among others. In this case, the name can play a crucial role, and the number of views will grow several times more.
There are several unspoken rules and tricks regarding the name of a video on YouTube, which allows you to increase traffic and bring a more target audience to your YouTube channel. We will discuss this issue in more detail later.
Criteria for selecting a title per million views
First, you should decide on the new video’s theme and generate 30-50 ideas for this. Then in several stages, filters out the ideas until there is only one best one left. Which, according to your gut, should “come in” right now. The easiest way to deal with this is for those who make reviews of trailers and movies — after the release, you need to make your own video immediately, and increased attention is provided. See if your chosen topic has the same trends or if you need to create hot topics yourself.
It would then be best if you chose a temporary working name for the content in the video. The video title must represent its content. Otherwise, you are playing with the risk of running into criticism from viewers, dislikes and unsubscribes from the channel.
We analyzed many videos that have collected more than a million views and identified the main criteria for making headlines. When doing the analysis, we did not take videos from promoted channels, since most of their views are collected at the expense of subscribers, not due to the name’s correct choice.
Of course, in the case of regular subscribers, the video’s name also matters, but other factors may affect this, such as knowing your viewers, feedback, and contact with them. For example, you promise to shoot a video in a week about what your subscribers have been asking you for a long time — of course, a large number of views at the release of this video is expected.
Here is the list of our main recommendations:
How do I name a YouTube video to get a lot of views?
And now we will focus on each point in more detail.
Another way to increase the number of video views is to use — clickbait.
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