Expert opinion

NFTs New Series: How to enjoy and display your NFT by Collaborator Stephane Bejean-Lebenson

Featured image: Arnie “Der Golem” NFT and physical metal sculpture. Lebenson Gallery copyright

Questions such as: How to set everything up? Where to buy? How to navigate? Why do I have to pay a gas fee? But as soon as your meta wallet is ready, and it’s probably the first step for humankind, you’re on the moon, all excited to get into the wild west of the blockchain. 

It could feel awkward to own an art piece in your wallet, but weirdly enough, you start to enjoy the meta ownership. You are not even thinking about the physicality of the art piece anymore; you are drawn into the thrill of being part of a futuristic system and owning a part of it.  

You’re experiencing, in your collector life, a new cathartic experience. This feeling is linked to the dematerialization of art, and first, you are not looking back in anger. Free from the heavy art boots, you’re surfing free of (from) your traditional chains. No more framing, no more hanging, no more openings, free free at last! And I know what I’m talking about as a gallerist for 12 years! 

PIndar Van Arman, BitGan Series NFT

The traditional art world becomes a relic, suitable for old dusty museums with their endless queues. The magic token makes you become your art dealer, or artist or both. The appeal of the gain and the capital return adds to the thrill and is essential in the NFT game. You sell straight after your latest purchase, get more Eth, checking your crypto wallet, the curves are up and down, what a blast, I can get rich quick, owning an extensive collection, alone… 

 The first date is always a killer, and soon after you start following old habits, why don’t I go out sometimes, meeting friends again, going to openings maybe, O boy, here you are again being secretly fed up of back to the future. NFT is the new Talk to have in society: have you got NFTs, what, how much? I know this drop is going to be a killer. Now NFT is out there, in the world before you know it. The two worlds are colliding, and it feels almost great.   

Anna Natter, NFT Known Origin

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The first time I saw NFTs displayed on monitor during an exhibition in London, I was blown away. It’s such a game-changer to actually see the digital piece in big, on a slick monitor, the colours are smashing and in a different environment than your old broken mirror glass crappy iPhone 10 that I’m sure you are going to change soon. You even start to enjoy the old QR code from early 2000.  

 When I started deeep™ AI NFT’s first international art fair in London during Frieze, I wanted to have NFT displayed on professional monitors. All the stands had the same monitors, and it was great for the audience and collectors to discover NFTs in “real.” It’s a luxury doing that, but it’s definitely worth it. We had Known Origin on board, one of the key NFT platforms in the UK, with an amazing setup on the gallery street space. The NFTs don’t eat each other and live in harmony even with fluorescent screen colours. Collectors start asking for those kinds of displays at home. There is still a lot to do to be able to enjoy your full collection, but we are getting there with a new HDMI encrypted system, with tools developed by our American partner Artstick.  

Article by special collaborator Stephane Bejean-Lebenson 

deeep™ CEO Founder- Lebenson Gallery London-Paris CEO-Founder 

About the author
Stephane Bejean-Lebenson is the Founder of deeep AI NFT Art Fair and Owner of Lebenson Gallery Paris-London, which he opened in Paris (Marais) in 2009, after a successful career as a musician and producer. The Lebenson gallery in London is based in Shoreditch 150 Curtain Road.   


Stephane has advised individual collectors on creating private art collections. He believes that all clients should be assisted in locating and acquiring the best artworks for both personal enjoyment and long-term investment purposes. He has close links with Paris’ and London’s contemporary art galleries, artists and relevant auction houses, such as Pierre Bergé & Associates for which he continues to consult. He also holds a PHD in Philosophy and Aesthetics from the University of Paris X, and currently lives in London.

Lebenson Gallery is a contemporary art gallery focussing on primary market emerging avant-garde artists. It also specialises in secondary market blue-chip art dealing and sourcing. Stephane continues to raise the gallery’s profile through participating in prestigious art fairs in New York, Basel and Paris, and collaborating with the likes of Sotheby’s International Realty. 

Stephane Bejean-Lebenson

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