You may or may not have a traditional art education; for some, it is a must. For others, it might not have been appealing or even a possibility. Atypical is becoming the norm in today’s world, so find the path that works for you. The debate surrounding the “Shall I get a BFA or even an MFA?” is still very much alive and keeps getting new fuel from both points of view. You might now find yourself wondering, but if I am eager to learn? If I am not sure what should be next? That you tried an online class, and it didn’t work for you – or like many of us you simply need less screen time these days, what else you can do? You can turn yourself into books that will help you get your brain going and move up a gear. They will give you some much-needed guidance and might become your closest companion for this part of your journey!
Art Thinking by Amy Whitaker
How to Be an Artist by Jerry Saltz
Bonus point – you can get it as an audiobook and Saltz himself narrates it!
How to Write About Contemporary Art by Gilda Williams
Every artist will have to write about their own art at some point in their journey, a most likely sooner than later. Galleries, art writers, art critics, bloggers all publish written content. From academic essay, descriptive text for wall label, to press release, to review your artist statement, you can’t escape writing about art so how can you make sure that you start putting forward your best foot? You don’t need to struggle with this incredible and comprehensive resources that will show you do and don’t and will guide through a series of questions that if you follow will become your recipe for written success.
Navigating the Art World – Professional Practice for the Early Career Artist by Delphian Gallery
What they didn’t teach you in art school by Rosalind Davis & Annabel Tilley
What they didn’t teach you in photo school by Demetrius Fordham
Additional noteworthy, more specific, resources;
How .ART Domains Are Taking Artists Online
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How to register a business email on .ART
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Portfolio on .ART: How to showcase your creative work in 4 simple steps
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A Surprisingly Interesting Book About Contracts by Sarah Conley Odenkirk
Contracts are important as they layout foundation. They are the primer before the paint can be applied. This book is another handy to make the contract world accessible. Filled with anecdotes (yes about contracts and it makes it fun! – who could have expected this?), definitions, things to consider and boilerplates, this book will help you with your need for contracts and mitigate the mixed emotions everybody feels about them.
Everybody Writes by Ann Handley
Content is key these days, from a blog post to your website to a press release for your upcoming exhibition and even caption to your Instagram post. So where do you start? How can you make compelling and attracting writing that will get your message across? This book will help you better your content.
The Artist’s Guide to Public Art by Lynn Basa
A must if you are contemplating making public art, filled with actionable, practical advice, will help you build your own useful & through check–up list. From where to start looking for opportunities to how to you realized them, it will open up, in your mind, other avenues that you might not have thought through.
The Only Grant-Writing Book you’ll ever need by Ellen Karsh & Arlen Sue Fox
At one point or another, most artists will face the damning task of applying for funding – this book will help you avoid many first-timer mistakes and guide you through the process of writing your first grant application. This is the fifth edition – they must know a good thing or two about grants.
Many other books could have made this list; each artist will have a lighthouse book that has been highly inspirational or beneficial to their journey – share with us on social media your recommendation.
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