iazzu GmbH: Digital Innovation in Art Award Nominee 2021
Ahead of the shortlist announcement this September and the Award Ceremony on October 14th, we highlight the great projects and businesses that have entered the Digital Innovation in Art Award. Brace yourself - the competition is unprecedented!

For the ultimate art app experience, look no further than iazzu GmbH, who also happen to be the next nominee up for the Digital Innovation in Art Award. Connecting art lovers with exhibitors, iazzu GmbH is your go-to whether you are an exhibitor or art lover.
Ever since founding iazzu GmbH in 2016, founder Nico Kunz had his eyes on the world of digital from the get-go, bridging the gap between artists creating, galleries curating, and people collecting. Going digital is often a challenge for gallerists and artists, and in light of Covid-19, digitalization has become more vital for most exhibitors than ever. That’s why iazzu GmbH do the work for you — so you can focus entirely on your passion. The app creates an intuitive and tailor-made space to impress collectors and art lovers in the digital world.
How to use your .ART domain name as your crypto address. Read More .ART Domain Name: Your Digital Business Card Read More How to link your .ART domain to your website Read More“Artists are defined by their talent to develop and produce unique and unusual objects and experiences. Today’s generation of artists have grown into a world dominated by online experiences and platforms. As such, the artworld is rife with a unique potential and talent for innovative and disruptive thinking. Can artists create their own successful startup (ArtUp) companies, while maintaining their artistic core? Can museums turn into innovation hubs? Can collectors turn into investors? I believe the global tech market is about to experience some of its most exciting moments in the very near future.”
– Tsila Hassine, Senior Member of iazzu GmbH
The app scored 100K funding in June 2020, 50K of which came from the STI (Foundation for Technological Innovation) and 50K from the Bern Economic Development Agency. They’ve also been a part of the Swiss Innovation Agency program (Swiss Confederation) and were selected to participate in the Swissnex New York US Internationalization Bootcamp. They were the finalists at the Luxury Venture Group Award, and were selected among 100+ Swiss companies to participate in the YRDICIE 2020 Exhibition (Yangtze River Delta International Cultural Industries Expo) in Shanghai.
What’s next for iazzu? Well, the ambitions are never short of inspiring: iazzu GmbH want to develop an AI predictive engine based on art lovers’ individual behaviours in iazzu, to enhance recommendations and allow for wide access to cultural experiences such as physical exhibitions. iazzu creates bridges, never barriers, because that’s what culture should always be about.