, a pioneering platform by .ART Registry designed to educate and empower the next generation of domain investors, is thrilled to announce its strategic partnership with GoDaddy Domain Academy. This collaboration is set to provide GoDaddy Domain Academy members with an exceptional resource for practicing and enhancing their domain selling skills using the innovative tools and community support offered by and powered by .ART Registry. offers a unique approach to domain investing by allowing users to mint referral tokens for unregistered .art domain names, which they can then promote to earn commissions upon successful sales. This system not only facilitates a practical learning environment but also enables users to earn while they learn, making it an ideal practice ground for GoDaddy Domain Academy students and aspiring domain investors.

Infographic for NAME.ART titled 'Build your Domain Portfolio for Free and Earn!' Highlights include: earning commissions without upfront investment, signing up for free coins, creating referral tokens for unregistered .ART domains, getting paid when domains are registered through referrals, earning extra coins by owning .ART domains, and engaging in promotional activities. Features a visual of the platform interface displaying available domain names for registration and investment opportunities

Joe Styler, Sr. Marketing Manager for the GoDaddy Domain Academy, expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership, stating, “’s platform provides a hands-on experience that complements our educational content, making it easier for our students to apply what they learn in real-world scenarios without investing any of their own capital. This partnership underscores our commitment to nurturing new talent in the domain industry and providing them with the tools they need to succeed.”

The innovative platform allows users, for free, to build a portfolio of names they exclusively represent and earn a commission when the names they represent are registered at GoDaddy or any registrar offering .ART domains. All visitors who sign up at receive free virtual coins that can be used to create referral tokens for available domains. GoDaddy Domain Academy members will receive a bonus number of virtual coins with which to build their portfolios of referral tokens. Existing .ART domain owners can also earn bonus coins by registering at

Ulvi Kasimov, founder and CEO of .ART Registry commented, “We always envisioned as a fun and profitable tool for aspiring domain investors to gain real world domain sales experience without having to invest in acquiring domains speculatively. Working with GoDaddy Domain Academy allows us to reach a wider audience of aspiring domain investors and help them to turn their domain investing aspirations into reality.” is now available to GoDaddy Domain Academy members and anyone looking to enter the domain investing field or enhance their existing skills.

For more information and to start creating your referral tokens visit For information about the GoDaddy Domain Academy, please visit