Adopter Nursery: Top weekly .ART domain sales (Week of Apr 6, 2022)
Always on a lookout for unusual, absurd and fun .ART domains that get sold with a weekly selection of Top .ART domain name sales.

Just like a gardener curiously checks his seedings, we are always on a lookout for unusual, absurd and fun .ART domains that get sold. Sometimes it takes weeks or months to see what an adopter has plotted to launch and other times we never find out at all – as some domains are bought for name protection purposes, as investment or even a collectible.
What we can do is speculate and rejoice at the quickly growing .ART community of almost 200K!
Below are the Top-10 of the most remarkable weekly sales. Can’t wait to see what NIGHTMARE.ART looks like and what exactly constitutes TOPNOTCH.ART 😉