.ART news digest: Art Therapy Program Development and Team Updates
.ART steps into 2023 with a firm intention to continue developing its philanthropic initiatives, including the one related to Art Therapy, and welcoming Jeff Sass as its CMO.

Art Therapy Awareness
The British association of psychotherapists states that Art Therapy is founded on the belief that self-expression through artistic creation has its therapeutic value in case you are working with someone who is trained to understand how color, texture, and various art media can help reveal one’s thoughts and feelings. You can find plenty of stories on how people succeeded to increase self-esteem, get over depression or deal with Alzheimer, and even schizophrenia.
As an ongoing initiative for 2023, .ART is focused on raising awareness for Art Therapy as a vital need in the modern world. This is a logical expansion of .ART’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Philanthropic activities. “The global pandemic has become a kind of punishment for all mankind. From self-isolation to the constant fear of getting sick. No doubt, this has negatively affected the psyche of every human, whether we realize it or not,” said .ART founder, Ulvi Kasimov. “Although the act of creation can be healing in itself, art therapy takes concepts from psychology and counselling and expands on them, forming a unique field of mental health treatment in itself. It’s time to remember that art has a therapeutic effect and start sharing art, its practices, and impressions to begin the process of global healing and recovery.”
The philanthropic activities are happening against the backdrop of the company extending its US presence with the opening of offices in Washington, D.C. and the hiring of veteran marketer Jeff Sass as Chief Marketing Officer.
Art Therapy initiatives among the .ART community
Home to over 230 000 adopters, .ART hosts websites for medical professionals, therapists, charities and more. So it’s hardly surprising Art Therapy has a strong representation in our community, either directly through Art Therapy associations or other businesses venturing into the practice of it.
IPATT – ipatt.art
International Program of Art Therapy in Thailand (IPATT) is a collaboration between the Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy (CiiAT) and the Art Therapy Foundation, Thailand. With an intention to improve the quality of life of the thais, IPATT has a mission to produce quality art therapists in the region to serve people in needs.
Blue Rhino Art – bluerhino.art
Blue Rhino was founded in 2016 in Istanbul with the aim of representing both emerging and established artists in the Middle East. With over 2,000 international artists in its archive and a London office, Blue Rhino provides a global service that integrates Art Therapy – as a form of releasing creativity, coping with trauma and resolving conflict.
Cara Tompkins Rosa – creativewellness.art
Cara Rosa is a certified art therapist with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in photography, and a Master of Counselling degree with a specialization/Advanced Diploma in art therapy. Based in Montreal, Cara provides various formats of Art Therapy to both children and adults.
ELM Foundations – elmfoundation.art
The mission of Brooklyn-based ELM Foundation is to promote the healing power of the arts. Our methods include advocating the benefits of arts therapy, providing multidisciplinary arts education, and building sustaining mentorships—all working together to cultivate a lifelong love of self-expression and awareness through a creative process.

ELM Foundation strives to achieve its mission by advocating arts therapy, providing arts education, and building lifelong mentorships, all working harmoniously to bring awareness to The Healing Power of the Arts.
Stepping into the New Year with a new CMO!
The .ART team is elated to begin 2023 by welcoming Jeff Sass as .ART’s Chief Marketing Officer. Sass has over 40 years of experience in the tech and entertainment industries and previously served as co-founder and CMO at .CLUB Domains and CMO at paw.com.
Besides being a recognized leader in creative marketing, Jeff is also a TV and film writer and producer, author of Everything I Know about Business and Marketing, I Learned from THE TOXIC AVENGER, and, in case you haven’t figured it out from his book’s title, a pop-culture fan.
You can read the official press release here