How to Structure your Article on your Website and Optimise its SEO
Worried to get the blank page syndrome? We’ve got your back: here is a guide to a friendly SEO article structure that will lead you through the structuration and the writing of the content of your article. Make sure to read to the end to become more familiar with SEO writing.

Every text has a skeleton as its foundation – the only exceptions are perhaps streams of consciousness texts. Back at school, we learned the structural narrative fundamentals involved in writing short stories, novellas, and novels. They have an introduction, the rise, the climax, the falling action and the denouement. These might ring a bell, and if they do, here is the good news: we will use a similar method for writing articles because the structure of writing any given text is built according to approximately the same rules as that of writing a story.
There are, of course, some slight differences to writing online materials. The requirements for their implementation are much stricter. A writer who knows that his book will be read for pleasure can play with the structure, while the web writer or copywriter needs to convey some information to the public. Therefore, they must arrange the text so that an ordinary person can see at a glance what they want to say, what they offer and what they call for. In fact, it can only be achieved by dividing the text into meaningful blocks.
Example of the article structure
So as to demonstrate what the text structure should look like, we will divide the structure into parts and examine what should be included in each part.
The title
The title of an article is the first thing that catches your eye when you take a quick look at the news. Experienced authors insist on the fact that the title is almost more important than the content itself – it is thanks to this small textual element that the article is generally read. Some experiences have been run on articles titles and have shown that there are cases when changing a title improved sale by 50, 100, or even 200%. It may be exaggerated or not, but what you should still keep in mind is the fact that the title has to be efficient and has to lead to click-through regarding its position. There are even people who do not even read the content of the articles. As a consequence, the title should be descriptive enough.
If your goal is to create an explosive title, use the following strategies:
* intrigue;
* voice the benefits to your customers;
* offer useful information.
The abstract
In fact, an abstract is an essential summary that should convince people to read the article to the end. Thanks to it, people can understand at a glance whether the text is worth reading further. In the case of commercial materials, the line under the title is mostly used to maximise the benefits. Every customer wants to know immediately what benefits they will get if they purchase a product, order a service, or use a product.
The abstract should not be too long—a small paragraph consisting of a maximum of five sentences – no more.
The introduction
Try to make the introduction useful. It should be free of parasitic words, empty phrases and journalistic cliches.
The main body
In the main part of the article, the topic is revealed, and the main information that the reader should receive is indicated.
How to make the main part digestible for the reader:
- do not write everything in a unique paragraph; break the article into paragraphs and semantic blocks;
- use subheadings;
- do not add extra sentences for length – it is better to let the text be shorter if more logical;
- say something that will appeal to your target audience, not only appeal to you;
Put yourself in the shoes of the average reader more often. Review your latest work. Are you interested in what you write? If so, you are on the right track, and if not, people will feel it through your article and lose their interest as well.
The conclusion
Many authors merge at the final part for two reasons: they are too tired by the end of the text and feel they have already said all they had to say. Not all people have the strength, time and desire to study a long article. Some people will catch on to the introduction, run diagonally through the main part, and then move on to the conclusions. This is the reason why the conclusion should be written carefully. It should be a reflection of your thoughts and ideas and what people can extract from your article.
The conclusion may be a concise paragraph summarising the above and containing a small call to action.
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How to structure an article on a website for good SEO
Writing a good text is only half the battle. To be visible in Google and rank high on the front page, you need to put meta tags – and don’t let that word scares you. This is easy enough to do if you understand what it is all about.
The writer does not necessarily have to deal with HTML and prescribe codes. After all, this is a job for another specialist. Here are some terms you should be familiar with:
- title;
- description;
- H1, H2, H3, etc.
Let’s take a look at what they are in order.
- “Title” is a title that will only be visible to the search engine. It uses the main key query.
- H1 – the name for the readers. They are often the same together with the Title, but they may also differ.
- The description is, in fact, the same annotation, only not in front of the text itself but also the search engine. It usually also contains the main key. The H2 meta tag contains the main subheadings. If the text is multi-level, use H3-H6, the so-called nested subheadings. Here, the use of keys is questionable. Sometimes they are necessary, and sometimes they are prohibited.
As you can see, everything is quite simple. If you are writing an SEO text, you will probably receive a technical specification from the customer with a list of keys and an indication of where to add them.
In conclusion, you can create a strong, logically aligned material if you follow these simple rules. A writer who knows how to do this is valued much more than a neophyte who does not understand how the Internet works and how people read online texts. Of course, knowledge of the structure is only the beginning of a successful authoring activity, but there will be no continuation without it.