.ART Google Trends Watch XII: Kim Kardashian, A New Willy Wonka, Mental Health Day 2021 and More
Ohhhh nooo - did you miss so much because of the glitch on Instagram, FB and What's app last week and that put you into a no social media diet for a few days. You probably didn't miss much - or did you? As usual, there was a lot of sports news and some other stuff! Here .ART recap of what did trend recently on Google searches!

KKW and SNL – a HIT!!!
More than 200 K searches were done following Kim Kardashian West’s stunt on SNL last weekend. She didn’t spare anyone and roasted her family as well as her future ex-husband! Jokes were coming from all ends and nowhere, some funnier than others and more appropriate than others. What did you think of her performance?
There is a New Sugar King!
If the version a couple of years ago with Johnny Deep didn’t satisfy your craving for some surgery weirdness, there is a new Wonka in town. Timothée Chalamet, who is best known for Lady Bird, Call Me By Your Name and Beautiful Boy, and many other movies, is taking on the role of Wonka before he came to fame. Playing a young Willy Wonka, the eponym movie should be available on the big screen in 2023!
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World Mental Health Day 2021
It might have fallen on a Sunday this year, but World Mental Health Day has been taking a lot of room in our conversation, social media feeds and much more! Art therapy is one of the ways that has been developed to foster a safe space to express your feeling. After more than 18 months spent in a global pandemic and a lot of hardship, it is important to discuss mental health, get help and be open about it no matter if you are an Olympic athlete, a former prince or any human!