Adopter Nursery: Top weekly .ART domain sales (Week of Apr 15, 2022)
Always on a lookout for unusual, absurd and fun .ART domains that get sold with a weekly selection of Top .ART domain name sales.

The most important value of our company is you, our adopters. And most of all we appreciate you for your imagination. When someone registers a domain, they most often choose their own name for it, but sometimes it’s a real creative act.
We track weekly the names that have been purchased. And when we read some of the titles, we cannot but rejoice.
Watch and get inspired with us! Below are the Top-10 of the most remarkable weekly sales. We liked ALLEYGATOR.ART for such cool NFT drawings of, as you can guess, alligator. And of course META.ART is a great idea to get your own virtual gallery.
Also published on Medium.