The Wait is OVER! - Shortlist Announcement for the Digital Innovation In Art Award 2022
It is the moment you have been waiting for! We know that many are on the edge of their seats and can’t wait - The shortlist of the Digital Innovation in Art Award 2022 is finally here and it highlights some of the most inventive projects, companies, and people who have entered the competition this year and have captured the attention of the jury.

The day on which we release the .ART x AllStars Digital Innovation In Art Award shortlist has come! This year, marked the 20th-anniversary edition of the DIIA and the fifth one with a prize sponsored by .ART, we’ve been pleased to receive so many intricate and innovative entries showing us just how bright and fruitful the merging of Art & Tech can be!
In the past couple of years the art world has been evolving quickly and gone through a massive shift with a wave of integration of technology into an old fashioned world. What this global and macro transition has shown us, is that art is as relevant as ever, adopting many forms and adjusting to the needs of artists, collectors, and amateurs alike. But this couldn’t have happened without the people, platforms and companies that have taken up the responsibility of bringing the nectar of creativity into the digital sphere, and supporting the life source of its creators while they do so. It is precisely because of the hard work of such people, platforms, and companies, who have made it their mission to improve our accessibility and safety online, and who offer multi-faceted support for creatives in the art community, that the merging between Art x Tech has proved seamless.
Today, we present you with the shortlist for the ‘Oscars of the Tech World’ – the Digital Innovation in Art Award presented by .ART. It is time to reveal the top ranks of the boundary-pushing, horizon-expanding, and creativity-inspiring projects that entered the fierce competition this year. The entries reviewed by our jury members have made them (and us by proxy) ever more thrilled to witness such large-scale innovations.
In alphabetical order, we present:
If you are curious to know more about DIIA, here are some articles that might interest you:
Digital Innovation in Art Award 2022 – Longlist Announcement
Investor Allstars and .ART: a Renewed Partnership for the Digital Innovation in Art Award 2022
Jury Members Announcement for the Digital Innovation in Art Award 2022
We can’t wait to see who will win it all and bring this prize home on October 6th at this year’s ceremony of Investor Allstars when we, .ART, will crown this year’s recipient of the Digital Innovation In Art Award! .ART wishes all shortlisted nominees the best of luck, and celebrates their achievements.